Friday, July 4, 2014

I Begin, Again



 A glimpse of my faith-meets-action journey
It just so happens that the day I decide to start blogging again is July 4th, 2014.  Independence Day for North American's.  Yes indeed, I am free.  Timely too, since I just finished up the study some of us ladies did based on the book called, Love Idol.  I am free from the things that previously kept me bound up, thinking idle thoughts, and kept me just plain annoyed & annoying!  My intent in blogging again is not to write a novel each time necessarily, but just quickly share what the Lord has brought me to in scripture each day, and how I believe it applies to us today.  My heart is to share the Gospel, and this is only one of many ways to do it.  And might I add, out of all the ways, it might be the least.  Face to face building of relationships, being a servant to one another in our daily walk, is what is probably most fruitful. Nonetheless, this is where I am right now, sitting outside with my books everywhere and laptop plugged into the outlet on the outside of the duplex we reside in.  So if you have just a bit of time to read, I will be sharing Scriptural encouragement, things I have learned on my faith walk so far, and any other thing the Holy Spirit happens to lay on my heart to share.  I hope someone, even just one person can be uplifted by this blog.  And even if the only person ends up being myself, then I am okay with that - because God uses different strokes for different folks.

-Meghan Weyerbacher

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