Saturday, October 18, 2014

What Are YOU Going to Believe?

I'm excited about reading this book by Joyce Meyer. A couple years ago I had did The Battlefield of the Mind Study but it seems to be reaccuring fluke in myself that I have to continually practice the art of casting out thoughts that are not in line with God's Words. {Could you taste a hint of sarcasm there?}  I can look back and see where my life, outlook & all were far better when I got into the habit of immediately shutting down Satan by refusing to dwell on negative thoughts that came into my mind. I was much more joyful and peaceful when I would speak out loud that I would not give up because I was a child of the One True God and He would take care of me. There truly is power in your life when you choose to purposely exercise the divine authority we have over the enemy. So here I go, reading yet another book that will gently nudge me in the right direction. I can't get enough of this stuff. I think I should start a Christian Womens Book Club at this point, my collection is growing quite rapidly...

M. E. Weyerbacher

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